Do I get the i686 or x86-64 bit version? | Yahoo Answers

But there is a set of important features, that must be present in order for the i686 term to apply. i686 was state of the art about a decade ago. Today some systems have dropped support for processors without all the features covered by the i686 term. AMD64 is the name of a 64 bit architecture designed by AMD to succeed x86. At the time AMD64 managed to be more successful than the 64 bit architecture marketed by Intel. rubenvb - 2011-08-16 x86_64 is equivalent to AMD64, Intel EMT64 (the non-Pentium 4 edition), x64 and 64-bit. i686 is (nearly) equivalent to IA32, x86, and 32-bit. Windows x64 can run 32-bit applications just fine, so it really doesn't matter. “Kernel requires x86-64 CPU, but only detects i686” in an Intel Intel Core i7-2600k? 0. This kernel requires an x84-64 CPU, but only detected an i686 CPU. 1. i386, i586, i686, x86, x86_64 등 여러가지가 표시되어 있습니다. 이것들의 의미는 해당 코드가. 타겟 CPU에 적합하게 컴파일되어 있다는 것을 의미합니다. 그러므로 x86 은 i386, i586, i686 의 모든 플랫폼에서 동작할 수 있고

MinGW-w64 - for 32 and 64 bit Windows / Discussion / Open

Ubuntu 11.04: i686 vs. i686 PAE vs. x86_64 - Phoronix Forums Phoronix: Ubuntu 11.04: i686 vs. i686 PAE vs. x86_64 At the end of 2009 I published benchmarks comparing Ubuntu's 32-bit, 32-bit PAE, and 64-bit Linux kernels. Those tests were carried out to show the performance impact of using 32-bit with PAE (Physical Address Extension) support, which on the plus side allows up to 64GB of system memory to be What is the difference between x64 and x86-64? - Quora Nov 10, 2017

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whats difference between i686 and amd64? | Yahoo Answers Sep 21, 2008 dnf error conflicting packages between i686 and x86_64 dnf repoquery --duplicates does come out with a long list of mostly x86_64 packages (and some i686 ones), including multiple versions of some packages - but doesn't seem to actually remove any of them. But if I'm understanding you correctly, when it lists two x86_64 versions of a package that would mean I have three of it installed, and it should be safe for me to do something like dnf 1477308 – Installing new nss-softokn-freebl without Aug 01, 2017 i686 or x86_64 ? : linux - reddit