Feb 05, 2020

Repository sync Errors 10053 & 10054 Re: Repository sync Errors 10053 & 10054 I'm not entirely sure what would cause those errors - but as an alternative approach: do you really need to be replicating the alert manager 4.7.0 install packages, given that the product is completely end-of-life? mysql update query error Code 1054 unknown column in field Error: Code 1054. Unknown column 'U2.id_naslov' in 'field list' gets thrown on this simple query in MySQL Workbench: UPDATE krneki_1 AS U1, krneki_2 AS U2 SET U1.id_naslov = U2.id_naslov WHERE (U2.id_zaposlen = U1.id_naslovi_zaposleni) I have searched and read other posts on … How to fix Error 10054 (urlopen error [Errno 10054] An May 15, 2020

Feb 14, 2018

Windows Sockets Error Codes (Winsock2.h) - Win32 apps 96 rows

Server Closed Connection (10054) - Troubleshooting

Solved: Logmein Pro - Keep getting Disconnected - LogMeIn I have had this problem for 2 days, and I have contacted tech support, and only received one message back requesting screen shots - I sent a bunch. All I want to know is what is causing the problem, so I can handle it another way, or tell my inlaws I can no longer help them. I use Logmein Pro to c Configuring TCP/IP settings on Windows machines