> By Juniper I meant the Juniper VPN stuff (version 6.4.0): > I want to connect with my laptop from my home to my organization which > holds a Juniper VPN network via SSL. I have never seen an successful implementation, although I wouldn't be too surprised if there is somebody that did it. That said, I still don't

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> By Juniper I meant the Juniper VPN stuff (version 6.4.0): > I want to connect with my laptop from my home to my organization which > holds a Juniper VPN network via SSL. I have never seen an successful implementation, although I wouldn't be too surprised if there is somebody that did it. That said, I still don't Salutations ! Bon, ben Flirten Uni Karlsruhe voilà, retraitée fraîchement, et en découverte de ce que les jeunes utilisent tous pour faire des Flirten Uni Karlsruhe rencontres ; à savoir le fameux smartphone que j'ai mis fort longtemps à adopter. Je trouve ça un peu incongru